lets looking forward.....whatever have passed just left it behind...so!!!lets ENJOY!!!!yeAA!!!hee~~~

Monday 20 April 2015

Dugaan ... Dugaan... Dugaan Lagi...

Assalamualaikum Uolss,

Hari ini hampir dua bulan menjadi tunang org..
Betul ckp org mmg byk dugaan ketika tgh tunang ni..
baru 2 bulan.. da macam2 yg kami lalui...
macam mana nak survive another 8 months?

En Tunang..

Dugaan dia dari segi kerja...
Masalah di tempat kerja..
dan juga masalah dari segi kewangan..
Kecian sgt kat dia..
I hope I can help him..
ditambah pula dengan perangai I yang EXTRA gediksss, ngada2, manja..
for sure.. he is really serabut..


Alhamdulillah I dont have any financial problem..
but.. kereta accident la..
kereta battery flat la..
kaki patah la...
boyfrens lama dtg kacau la..
Allah uji I dari segi nikmat lain yg ditarik.. cth : kesihatan..

But from all the things happen,

We are actually get a chance to know each other better..
and i know that i am so lucky to have him as my fiancee..
because he might be not loving and romantic partner..
but i know that he really loves me..care about me.. and responsible to me..
thats all.. I am really bersyukur about that..

En Tunang,
If you read this.. you are lucky because you will know how am I really loves you..
and how am I appreciate you..
which you might be cant see it by your eyes...

Ok la..lets keep this as one of our sweet memory..
that we will smile if we read this in future..

tHats all from me..


~intan juaini~

~My Songs~